We celebrated Father's Day inviting them to play games and share some time with their children. Kids' fathers, and some mothers:) read stories, put together puzzles, played "La Moneda Indiscreta", and participated in a competion of marbles! Then, we had a short show with songs and a poem. Finally, kids gave their dads their handmade presents and shared a snack.
Celebramos el Día del Padre invitandoles a jugar y compartir tiempo con sus hijos. Los padres, y algunas madres leyeron cuentos, armaron rompecabezas, jugaron "La Moneda Indiscreta", y participaron en una competencia de canicas! Luego, tuvimos un pequños show con canciones y un poema. Finalmente, los chicos dieron a los papás sus regalos y compartieron una merienda.