Saturday, April 21, 2007


Kids enjoyed sharing fun moments and relaxed ones with the 12th graders. Everyone had fun playing, laughing and running around. Our kids and 12th graders had the chance of getting to know each other a little better. Everyone had fun with water and got a little something for Easter:)


Los juegos organizados por los muchachos de la Promo se relacionaron con la Pascua e incluyeron: ponerle la cola al conejo, el conejo de Pascua, el zorro y los huevos de colores, pasar el huevo de Pascua, llevar el huevo en la cuchara; además de un juego de pasar la pelota, el del agua y unas muy animadas canciones. Gracias Promo 2007!

Children's Day

We celebrated Children's Day along with Easter. This year we enjoyed having the 12th graders come with us. They were superb with the kids! Little and Big kids enjoyed the songs and games.


The first Monday of March we had our first monthly assembly. Kids are introduced to the value of the month and then he listen to the School's Hymn as we hoilster the national flag. One of the students from Kinder Whales had that priveledge that month for having adapted so well to school, its rules and his classmates.
On April 2nd, we had our second Assembly. We talked about the importance of work and effort. A student from Kinder Penguins was chosen in this occasion for having been an example of these values.


Los niños de PreKinder hicieron barquitos de plastoformo para recordar el Día del Mar. Aquí los vemos poniendolos a flotar:)


Agradecemos a todos los papás, mamás, abuelos, tios y demás familiares que se dieron tiempo para asistir a nuestra celebración del Dia del Padre. Los chicos se prepararon practicando las canciones, realizando los regalos y haciendo sandwiches de jamón y queso. Esperamos que todos hayan podido compartir unos momentos agradables jugando, haciendo collares, armando rompecabezas y leyendo cuentos.


Kids did a popart picture as a gift to their loved ones. They also prepared jam and cheese sandwiches. Yummy!!!


I love you just like you are...
I love the things that we do...
That was the message to our dads (also part of the main song of the show). We had a great number of dads, uncles, grandpas, and moms come to our celebration which included some games for kids to participate in along with parents: bowling, hopscotch, throwing beanbags, and musical chairs (this one done only by dads while kids cheered!). We also had dads and relatives reading stories and putting puzzles together. For the show each class sang a song and then the whole preschool sang the main song "Daddy, Daddy, Dear Daddy"


We're very proud of our preschool students for showing true sports spirit by waiting for their turn, playing fair and enjoying the event.


Este año la Inauguración de Año Deportivo incluyó una dramatización de los Juegos Olímpicos. Los alumnos de los tres ciclos: Inicial, Primaria y Secundaria mostraron espíritu deportivo y entusiasmo tanto en el acto inaugural como durante los juegos. Nuestros Niños del Nivel Inicial entraron orgullosos a la formación con los estudiantes de la Promoción.
En los juegos participaron de la carrera de relevos, mostraron sus destrezas deportivas lanzando pelotas a los cestos, caminando sobre llantas, rodando sobre las colchonetas, transportando pelotitas y maracas, y finalmente pateando la pelota hacia el Gol. También tuvieron un juego de tranporte del agua con pequeños baldes.


We've begun a new year with a Pre Kinder Class called Mice and with two Kinder Classes called Penguins and Whales.
Hemos empezado un nuevo año con un curso de Pre Kinder llamados Ratones y dos cursos de Kinder LLamados Pingüinos y Ballenas.